The Board of Directors (the “Board”) recognizes the importance of good Corporate Governance in directing the businesses of the Group. The Board is committed to the highest standards of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”) and leading by example throughout its business operations.

The Board further acknowledges the importance of the Internal Audit, Risk Management and Compliance functions toward the attainment of The highest standards of the Code. It is also the Board’s belief that Corporate Governance is synonymous with the key concepts of transparency, accountability, integrity and corporate performance.

The Board demands all staff operates to the highest standards of business integrity and enforce strictly the standards of business conduct, the Group’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, and standard operating policies and procedures (SOP) that Instills and Cultivate Corporate Governance and Speak Up culture. Our aim is to encourage a universal respect for high business standards.


The Board of Directors (the “Board”) places strong dedication and commitment to the highest standards toward an effective Compliance function in-line with the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2017. The Board also supports the Compliance role in reviewing the adequacy and integrity of the company’s internal control systems and management of information Systems for compliance with Standard Operating Policies (SOP), relevant laws and regulations, rules and guidelines and industry directives.
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